Monday, July 1, 2019

Hormonal Imbalance And Cancer

We are going to explore hormonal imbalance and cancer and why the body must be in homeostasis.

It only takes a pill. It just needs to be cut out. It is all about Estrogen. It is all about Testosterone. Disease is the normal outcome of life built into our genetic code without the means for change… Simple isn’t it.

When it comes to conventional medicine, when it comes to the conventional medicine marketing mantra, simple is the modus operandi. Simple would be nice. Simple, would be… well, simple. If only simple existed.

No matter how much we may want, the body just does not work on simple.  The perfect example of this simple modus operandi can be found in the relationship between hormones and cancer.

Simple would have you believe men are nothing more than testosterone-fueled erections and women are simply estrogen-fueled hot flashes. Just look at the conventional medical marketing mantra: testosterone causes prostate cancer and estrogen causes breast cancer.

If a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer or a woman with breast cancer, testosterone or estrogen is the culprit and these hormones must be eliminated. It is almost a modern-day Wizard of Oz Lions and Tigers and Bears oh my… fear mongering.

Though our bodies may seem simple enough, they really are a beautiful, complex biochemical machine maintaining an intricate, delicate, balance designed for healing potential. Thank goodness for that complexity! Though advocated as simple, the body is anything but simple.

Dr. Nathan Goodyear Discusses Hormonal Imbalance And Cancer Goes In-Depth On The Important Subject Of Homeostasis

If it is not simple, then the opposite is true: complexity rules the day.  Hormones, especially in reference to cancer, are a perfect example of this complexity. Hormones are just one piece of a very complex puzzle when it comes to hormones and cancer. For scientific, safe and effective hormone knowledge and therapy in patients with cancer it takes all the following:

  • Re-evaluate definition of normal
  • proper hormone evaluation
  • knowledge of hormone levels
  • hormone balance
  • hormone metabolites
  • hormone receptors
  • outside influences
  • physiologic hormone therapy

Re-evaluate Normal

The first question that often comes up in the discussion of hormones is are they normal.  But what is normal after all?  Who is normal? That discussion could go on for days.

Normal is defined as what falls within the statistical reference range of normal. Normal is then determined as a percentage of the population as a whole.  This is why the definition of normal can change based on a shift in the population as a whole.

As the population becomes more abnormal, then a shift occurs as normal is re-defined. What was once abnormal is now normal and what is now normal is abnormal. Statistically speaking, the top 2.5% and the bottom 2.5% are determined to be statistically abnormal and all other 95% are deemed normal.

If I used that logic with my kids, a 65 on a test at school would be considered statistically normal right? From my perspective and my child’s, a 65 would not be considered normal. A 65 clearly falls far closer to failing than succeeding, yet it is statistically normal.

This highlights the limitations of this simple definition of normal when discussing anything, but especially hormone levels in people with cancer. This approach may work for disease medicine (though I highly doubt it), but it is not the best for the pursuit of healing from cancer.

Proper Hormone Testing And Evaluation

In the past, hormone evaluation was limited to blood.  Today, hormone evaluations can come in all shapes and sizes: from blood to saliva, to urine.  Even blood spot and urine spot hormone evaluation are available today.

People like my good friend, Dr. Zava, have pioneered these new hormone evaluation techniques.  When it comes to different methods to evaluate hormones, no method is better than another, but it is all about perspective.

Each hormone evaluation is a different perspective or different window into the room of hormone physiology. No one window is better than the other, but each provides a different window with a different perspective.

The different windows provide different clinical perspectives that help to provide a more complete evaluation of hormone physiology of the individual. It also provides a more complete hormone treatment regimen for the specific environment of the individual with cancer.

The question simply becomes what perspective or what window provides the most useful information for the clinical question at hand. Is a single image good enough, or is a panoramic view better?

For me, I like the complete hormone panoramic view.  In the treatment and healing of cancer, no questions should be left unanswered; or in this perspective, in viewed.

Hormone Levels

What is your number? The conventional medicine marketing mantra is full of this. Just look at the Testosterone marketing for men. What is your number is a common marketing cry for low Testosterone clinics around the country?

For this reason, I call testosterone clinics the 21st-century version of the methadone clinic. Contrary to most thought today, hormones are not just about the individual numbers.

Hormones are a means of communication throughout the body; a language if you will. I am always amazed at the answers I get when I ask post-menopausal women if they still make hormones or men older than 65 if they make testosterone.

Most will say no. Because of what they are exposed to in marketing, I am not surprised by their responses. Of course, the answer to both questions is yes.

The body must have these hormones to communicate, to live and to survive.  Even after menopause, women need some estrogen.

It can be about the numbers if the numbers are exceedingly low or exceedingly high.  However, that is a rare finding and usually occurs as a result of hormone therapy. Hormone impacts on individuals with cancer are rarely about the levels, but more about the balance.

Hormone Balance

Hormones must exist in balance. Balance is the source of health and wellness. Just look at the body for the importance of balance.

The human body is created in balance: 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 legs…Just trying to lose a leg and see how the rest of your body is affected by the imbalance. Bumps, bruises, and even worse are definitely in the future.

The loss of balance is often the precipitating cause of symptoms short term and contribution to disease risk in the long-term. The most well-publicized hormone imbalance is that of the Estrogens and Progesterone in women. However, the imbalances of hormones are widespread in the body and have a significant impact on cancer risk and cancer healing.

Imbalances are not just isolated to hormones, but also apply to neurotransmitters and the immune system. The body must exist in balance.

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