Monday, June 17, 2019

Stress And Cancer Research

Today let’s take a look at stress and cancer research and what the evidence is telling us.

Conventional medicine thinks stress and its effect on the body, especially cancer, is insignificant. When you review stress and cancer research you can quickly observe that stress has a tremendous impact on the body in many ways including cancer.

Let’s start by defining what stress is. Stress can be external or internal. A response from stress is physiological or a measurable response. Stress can come in many forms. People could have a stressful day, a doctor could have a stressful patient, dealing with a stressful employee, or having a stressful interaction.

Stress isn’t something that just happens to us although that’s what people tend to think. It is something that is internal. The internal stressors are even more dangerous to our health as a result of not being able to recognize them.

Let’s say that a patient has narcolepsy. Do you believe that would cause stress to the body? You bet it does!

In our weekly Insights from An Oasis of Healing meetings, we discuss relevant cancer-related topics and explain how our alternative cancer care program helps our patients overall healing. You can learn directly from an experienced physician who consistently informs all on the most up to date insights, research, and results in healing from cancer.

These are our keynotes from our 8th Plan of Care Meeting – Stress and Cancer Research

We don’t look at internal stress as dangerous which is a mistake. When it comes to obesity, it is understood that it is an epidemic. Is the consensus that obesity is stressful to the body? Yes indeed.

What we know based on research is that obesity does feed stress, however, what we also know is that turns right around and feeds obesity. What ends up happening, in this case, is people’s metabolisms are destroyed. It’s the result of everything feeding on itself.

We have to learn to recognize the stressors that affect our metabolism. Do you think surgeries are stressful? Yes, of course, they are. Do you think that chemotherapy is stressful? Yes, it is, very much so.

How about radiation? Yes again. Do you think junk food is stressful to the body? Junk like Coke, chips and Ding Dongs are all stressful.

Any stress response will affect metabolism. It will also affect hormones as well as cancer initiation and the progression of cancer. Again, conventional medicine looks at stress response as something that effects nothing and their answer to it is, of course, synthetic drugs!

Here Dr. Nathan Goodyear Discusses Stress And Cancer Research In Detail From Another Insights From An Oasis of Healing

Conventional medicine looks at stress as a deficiency. But what is it a deficiency of? The drugs they invent and prescribe of course. The conventional model of which Dr. Nathan Goodyear is both trained and board certified in knows they will mock the things they don’t understand.

The good news is we have the ability to evaluate and actually measure this response! Stress and cancer research says we can bring the body back into balance and achieve homeostasis. We are able to find out the location of the body that is not working properly and it brings it back into balance.

When we do these evaluations, we look at things like cortisol and the metabolism of cortisol. We look at the enzymes that are involved in this process and how insulin from the food we eat including fructose and sucrose affects how cortisol moves. And then we observe how this affects the entire body and its relationship to cancer.

To recap; stress is cortisol, it is epinephrine and norepinephrine. Stress is a physiologic, biochemical response that does affect and impact everything in the body. It does play a major role in cancer.

The science behind this is quite interesting and clearly, it shows how stress can destroy how the body is able to keep cancer in check. Our cancer care program teaches people how to work on reducing stress levels helping bring the body back into homeostasis.

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