What is the link between estrogen and cancer? In a new video, An Oasis of Healing senior medical staff Dr. Nathan Goodyear talks about estrogen and cancer, estrogen receptors, hormones, and a plethora of other topics related to treatment for cancer. According to Dr. Goodyear, when doctors and patients talk about hormones and cancer, most people will relate it to breast cancer. They re thinking triple positive which is ER-positive. They are also thinking triple negative which would be ER-negative. What doctors talk about and what patients think about is true, but it is often oversimplifying a very complex process, he said. Dr. Goodyear explained, When a woman produces estrogen, it has to bind to its receptor and then sends the signal inside to the nucleus. It s important to understand that there are receptors of estrogen on the cell membrane surface and nuclear receptors. So, it s not just something that is on the surface, they can also be inside the cell. He further noted that estrogen does stimulate a lot of different types of cancer. An Oasis of Healing 210 N Center St #102 Mesa, AZ 85201 480-834-5414 https://anoasisofhealing.business.site
In a new video, An Oasis of Healing senior medical staff Dr. Nathan Goodyear talks about estrogen and cancer, estrogen receptors, hormones, and a plethora of other topics related to treatment for cancer.
The video is part of the center’s weekly in-house staff education program wherein Dr. Goodyear leads the discussion on pertinent cancer-related topics and how it relates to An Oasis of Healing’s comprehensive care program and their patients’ healing journeys.
According to Dr. Goodyear, when doctors and patients talk about hormones and cancer, most people will relate it to breast cancer. “They’re thinking triple positive which is ER-positive. They are also thinking triple negative which would be ER-negative. What doctors talk about and what patients think about is true, but it is often oversimplifying a very complex process,” he said.
ER refers to estrogen receptors. Estrogen receptors are a group of protein inside cells of the female reproductive tissue. They are activated by the hormone estrogen.
Dr. Goodyear explained, “When a woman produces estrogen, it has to bind to its receptor and then sends the signal inside to the nucleus. It’s important to understand that there are receptors of estrogen on the cell membrane surface and nuclear receptors. So, it’s not just something that is on the surface, they can also be inside the cell.”
He further noted that estrogen does stimulate a lot of different types of cancer but the majority of cases center around breast cancer.
Breast cancer is most common in postmenopausal women and most of these cancers are hormone receptor positive. This can happen because as women age, fat cells in the breast produce greater amounts of aromatase, which then promotes estrogen production. This locally produced estrogen can trigger the development and growth of breast cancer. The tumor acts to increase estrogen levels, thus helping it grow.
Some studies have also established a link between obesity and estrogen production because obese women have more fat cells that produce estrogens.
Dr. Goodyear noted that some patients in the center have had receptor positive triple positive cancer even though they are not obese.
“Thin women don’t produce a ton of estrogen,” he said. “Now, how can we say that? Because of the predominance of estrogen produced menopausally and perimenopausally is from abdominal fat. Even at younger ages, a lot of estrogen is produced from abdominal fat. This is where metabolites come in to play.”
Metabolites are the “intermediate products of metabolic reactions catalyzed by various enzymes that naturally occur within cells.
He added, “When you look at the metabolites of the estrogens, you will actually see a very different picture. Everyone knows the word detoxification. Detoxification is the process by which one chemical is converted to another to be either eliminated or used differently. Detoxification does not just happen in the liver; it happens in every cell in the body. It has to happen. In looking at the estrogen metabolites, they are not inactive and, on their way, out the door. They are very active.”
These active metabolites can either contribute or protect against cancer. A thin person can have low estrogen but metabolites, and how they are detoxifying the estrogen, can contribute to the cancer.
As a final note, Dr. Goodyear reminded cancer care specialists and patients alike that estrogen receptor positive is not just about estrogen. It is always crucial to look at the bigger picture and ask yourself: What is the body doing with the estrogen?
For more insightful information about cancer treatment from experienced clinicians, follow this blog.
If you were to eat less, then you would require less sleep. Doing a fast or a whole-body cleanse gives people a boost of energy where they find sleeping less happens naturally. Eating in volume and eating often will wear your body down.
The body has to process what it consumes and if it is always busy doing this, it has no time to clean or cleanse. Someone who eats a lot impacts the amount of sleep they need. The hours of sleep someone needs are relative to how much they eat.
The more someone eats the longer they will need to sleep. The saying, “you have to sleep it off” would apply here. The less a person eats, the less a person will have to go through the dance they put their body through.
When you eat once a day, you won’t have to sleep as much which will give you more energy. By eating less, you will find yourself waking up much earlier than you normally do.
Try and focus on these three things upon waking up and in the order given.
Start your morning off with your meditation prayer.
Secondly, you need to read. Reading in the morning is far more beneficial than reading at night. The reason for this is because at the end of the day your mind has been on all day and you’re going to have to re-read things two to three times to retain what it is you’re reading.
When someone says they are not a good reader what they’re really saying is they are not a good listener. Reading is listening with your eyes.
You must just listen; a person can’t be talking. A bad reader is someone who is talking, that’s the only difference. You stop talking and you read.
Eating Less Requires Less Sleep and Provides More Natural Energy
When Dr. Lodi went to medical school, he consistently went to bed at 7:00 or 8:00 pm. He would wake up at 3:00 am and then study. When it was time to take a test, I walked right into class in the morning and was finished the test before everyone else.
They were all drinking coffee and scrambling because they stayed up late last night studying and went to bed at 3:00 am. I woke up at 3:00 am, I was fresh and remembered everything as I studied right before taking the test.
Night time reading is just entertainment. I use it to fall asleep not for retention.
Exercise is the third thing you should do in the morning after meditation and reading. Allow for a window of 60-90 minutes for exercise. Make sure you work up a sweat. Do both cardiovascular and resistance work as both as equally important.
Then, and only after these three things, go ahead and have something to eat if you think you need to. You really don’t have to eat at this time of the day. However, if you are going to eat in the morning, then this would be a good time to eat following meditation, reading, and workout out.
Nutrition and mind-body-spirit work are a critical part of our comprehensive cancer care program at An Oasis of Healing. Reach out to us today and learn how we can help you or a loved one who is dealing with cancer.
It is quite simple, the more you eat the more sleep you need. If people were to eat less, then the less sleep they would need. When you re eating less you will be waking up earlier. Here are the three things you should be doing upon waking up. First thing to do in the morning is your meditation prayer. The second thing to do is read. The reason you read in the morning is that reading a half an hour in the morning is worth reading two to three hours at night. The third thing you should do in the morning is to get your body moving and exercise. Give yourself a good sixty to ninety minutes to workout. Work up a sweat. Do cardiovascular and resistance, it s important to do both. Nutrition is a core part of our comprehensive cancer care program. Contact us today and learn how we can help you! An Oasis of Healing 210 N Center St #102 Mesa, AZ 85201 480-834-5414 https://anoasisofhealing.business.site
Water fasting as a cancer treatment needs to be considered as a method to help restore health. If a person goes to 42 days the cancer tumor can t survive. Water fasting eliminates the fuel being glucose and glutamine that cancer needs to stay alive. Of course this needs to be done under trained medical supervision by a center that specializes in this method. Reach out to An Oasis of Healing today if you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer. An Oasis of Healing 210 N Center St #102 Mesa, AZ 85201 480-834-5414 https://anoasisofhealing.business.site
Water fasting and cancer a relationship that needs to be understood in terms of its ability to restore health!
Can water fasting help with cancer treatment? Yes! In a new video, An Oasis of Healing founder and integrative oncology expert Dr. Thomas Lodi explains why water fasting should be considered as a form of cancer treatment.
“Cancer lives on glucose and it can also ferment glutamine,” he said. “Even a ketogenic diet doesn’t deprive people of glutamine. Thirty percent of people on ketogenic diets can still have cancer.”
Glutamine is a type of amino acid. Amino acids are molecules that serve as building blocks for proteins. A ketogenic diet is a low-carb and high-fat diet. It decreases blood sugar and insulin levels and allows the body to become “incredibly efficient” at burning fat for energy.
According to Dr. Lodi, water is the ultimate ketogenic and glutamine-free diet.
He explained, “Being on a water fast means that 100 percent of the fuel that cancer needs to live on is gone and cancer can’t survive. Conversely, the rest of your body will be living on the fats and ketones. Once a person has no more body fat, including fat around the organs, which is monitored, the water fast is over.”
Ketones are a type of acid made in the liver. They are produced when the body does not have enough insulin to convert glucose into energy. They are then sent into the bloodstream so the muscles and tissues can utilize them for fuel.
Water Fasting is the Ultimate Therapy To Eliminate Cancerous Tumors
When a person reaches ‘one plus’ keto level, it indicates that they are out of fat. If they go below this level, it means that they have moved from fasting to starving. Dr. Lodi cautions that it is crucial to consult with certified healthcare professionals before, during and after a water fast.
He added, “When starvation occurs, the body will consume its own muscles and its organs, so people never want to go into starvation. That’s why it is critical to know the difference and be under medical supervision while on an extended fast.”
Water fasting has been linked to several health benefits including promoting autophagy, which is the process wherein old parts of the cell are broken down and recycled. Autophagy can help prevent cancer cells from thriving. Research has also found that water fasting can help lower blood pressure and the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.
Specifically related to cancer, studies have found that water fasting can help fight cancer by decreasing insulin resistance as well as inflammation levels. Fasting is also beneficial in managing obesity and type 2 diabetes, which are risk factors for cancer. It also boosts the immune system to empower the body as it fights off cancer cells.
Dr. Lodi notes that it is important to remember that fasting on water is not starving. He furthered, “Starving is the end point of running out of fat. Body fat breaks down into ketones and provides fuel for the body and the brain. All of the body’s organs can function and live on ketones broken down from fat, cancer cannot.”
Find out more about An Oasis of Healing’s renowned comprehensive cancer care program which incorporates healing modalities, like water fasting, to help the body replace cancer cells with new healthy cells.
Water fasting as a cancer treatment needs to be considered as a method to help restore health. If a person goes to 42 days the cancer tumor can t survive. Water fasting eliminates the fuel being glucose and glutamine that cancer needs to stay alive. Of course this needs to be done under trained medical supervision by a center that specializes in this method. Reach out to An Oasis of Healing today if you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer. An Oasis of Healing 210 N Center St #102 Mesa, AZ 85201 480-834-5414 https://anoasisofhealing.business.site