The body is like a flame, it s not a thing. Looking at a flame, you think of it as a thing as it has a shape & it s flickering. If you look very closely, you ll see it is not a thing. It s actually streaming gasses, it s not a thing at all. It s a process, it is a happening. It s not something that happened, it s happening. The human body is the same way. Humans make approximately two million new cells per second while we know we have about 60 trillion total cells in the body. Doing the math, that tells us that in just about 12 months, we have an entirely new body. This is excellent news and lets us know that we are in control of our health, we just need to be responsible. You are not a victim of our genes, you can influence them through diet, eating a healthy diet. Choose your food wisely and your body will reward you for it. One of the pillars we teach at An Oasis of Healing is proper nutrition. Everyone who spends time with us leaves with the knowledge and resources they need to continue at home what they learned with us. Contact us today; An Oasis of Healing 210 N Center St #102 Mesa, AZ 85201 480-834-5414 https://anoasisofhealing.business.site
Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=An+Oasis+of+Healing+210+N+Center+St+%23102&ludocid=16939796844326043355&lpsid=1199584773172305803
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