Monday, February 25, 2019

Jaz’s Healing Journey From A Type Of Blood Cancer

Types Of Blood Cancer

An Exceptional Young Man’s Story Healing From A Type of Blood Cancer

 We would like to share with you the story of an exceptional young man who came to An Oasis of Healing seeking treatment and healing with a type of blood cancer. With the support of his totally amazing mother and father, he began the process of adapting to his new routine while undergoing our Comprehensive Cancer Care Program.

The first two weeks involved learning how to navigate the full schedule of classes, IV therapies, meeting with doctors, blood tests, sessions with the counselor as well as lymphatic and colonic sessions.  And then, at the end of his day here, returning to the condo for his evening routine.

Jazz’s mother, Kelly was his true champion!  She motivated him daily to follow his routine and to stay on schedule with her ever loving and joyful enthusiasm and endless patience.

Jaz was managing pretty well until the day we told him we needed to stick his earlobe ….of all places…to have his glucose level checked during his Insulin Potentiation Therapy.  The first time,  it must have taken almost 2 hours to convince him that it would not hurt.  But then yes! We discovered the great motivator.  Once he realized he would get a real special treat at the end of the process, he made up his mind and said, “I can do this”!

Insulin Potentiation Therapy

Jaz learned how we could assist his body to detox and eliminate the resulting toxins from the IPT and any cancer cell die off from Gina, our Colon Hydro-Therapist.  Along with his weekly colonics, she and his mom eventually got him to do coffee enemas at home every day. Yay!  A big win for us both!

Probably one of Jaz’s more enjoyable therapies was his Lymphatic Drainage sessions with Silke.  Using an XP-Pro in combination with Manual Lymphatic Drainage techniques as needed, she opened up the flow of his lymphatic system to support the movement of toxins out of the body.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Silke, also introduced Jaz to dry brushing and rebounding for the promotion of lymph flow. He learned he could keep his lymphatic system moving and have fun at the same time!

An important part of Jaz’s time at Oasis was for learning to prepare foods and eat in a truly healthy way.  Our chefs, Kim and Celena worked with him and his mother to find foods that he loved.  And Jaz did love to eat!

Lakee, one of our educators, helped to make learning new recipes a fun experience for Jaz.  Food preparation class was always an interesting experience for everyone with Jaz’s playful demeanor. Jazz learned the importance of a plant-based diet and he absolutely loved the juice. Yes! Another win for Jaz.

Green Juicing Recipes

On other days, Jaz was busy doing therapies like Major Autohemotherapy (IV Ozone) and Vitamin C that can take several hours.  So… this was a good day for a movie and some help from the Power Rangers to make the day go by faster.

High Dose Vitamin C Therapy And Cancer

Besides getting outside and enjoying the sunshine that Arizona has to offer, Jaz would maintain his muscle strength by working out with oxygen on the recumbent bike, better known as EWOT, exercise with oxygen therapy.  He also helped improved his cellular communication and reduced inflammation by using the PEMF machine, Pulsed Electro Magnetic Frequency, a medical electromagnetic device.  And he used the Bemer daily to improve his microcirculation as well.


Jaz experienced great healing and his family is very thankful for the very positive outcome he received from his time at An Oasis of Healing. Now his journey continues as he returns home.

We know he will continue in his healing process because he now knows and understands the importance of proper nutrition.  Jaz is also participating in several of the Aftercare Immunotherapies which will be crucial for him to maintain and continue beyond the great progress he has made.

An Oasis of Healing

The staff at Oasis thoroughly enjoyed having Jaz and his amazing family together here as they all participated in the Comprehensive Cancer Care program.  Jaz entertained us all with his enthusiasm and humorous commentary.  We are so thankful for patients (and parents) like Jaz who put their heart into applying what they learn, enabling them to see such great outcomes!

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